Tina Marie, The Tarot Writer

A writer at heart, I read the story your cards want to convey through the use of symbolism, colors, characters, patterns, and intuition. The beauty and magic of the readings come from the connection made between me (the reader), and you (the querent), as we create a unique and authentic experience to help you find clarity, obtain focus, and realize your dreams.

I became interested in tarot several years ago when I obsessed about finding answers. However, by continuously working with, and closely studying the qualities and composition of each card, I’ve found that the answer lies deep within us all as we perpetually create our realities through our thoughts, beliefs, and desires. Although this is not a new notion, it is an experience I want to share with you. Joyce Carol Oates probably said it best: “I never change—I simply become more myself.” Tarot has the ability to bring us back home.

– Tina Marie, The Tarot Writer